Monday, March 8, 2010

Versurile de la "Mirrors"

Mirrors (lyrics/music: Nora Vintila, aka PURE, aka Reptile Monarch, aka Reptileanca, aka, aka aka:))

Weird hours parallel with the eyes of the Sultan
Dripping golden drops from
the tap of the sky
Willing to lose the whisper of the teapot on the
Willing to give it all up for a reason to try
Willing to lose it all
for one try

Mirrors say we're crazy, so does the painting of the Virgin
the books on that shelf know better than us...

We'd share the morning
afternoon dipped in a cup of steaming coffe
Keeping away our sorrows by just
locking the front door
As the sun sets in the distance we bid it goodbye and
start laughing
As it draws a golden rocket on the spotted oak floor
golden rockets on the floor.

Mirrors say we're crazy, so does the painting
of the Virgin
And the books on that shelf know better than us...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Clujul din cubicle

Într-adevăr vârsta îşi spune cuvântul la un moment dat. În studenţie băteam barurile noapte de noapte iar ziua dormeam/megeam la cursuri/pictam/cream tot felul.

Acum jobul îmi ocupă 8 ore din zi, plus timpul pierdut pe drumuri şi câteodata îmi vine să plâng când văd studenţii în faţa facultăţii gândindu-se dacă să meargă la cursuri sau nu... şi eu mai vreau dintr-astea...

I like my job and all, chiar îmi place... dar sunt prea tânără să fiu om al muncii...

Mi-e dor de studenţie şi de frecuş de mentă...